
Photo Contest!!

This is my photo contest entry, for Aaliyah's blog.


A really Long post

Awkward & Awesome Friday  
Awkward, This photo 
Awesome, This photo
 I saw these questions on Tirzah's Delights, who I believe was tagged by Beloved Star.
1) What is your earliest memory from your childhood?
   Probably sitting on a  window seat  in our old house when I was 2 years old.
2) You have a choice of being given any super-power; what is it?
     This is hard....... Probably the ability to fly.    
3) Describe to me that outfit in your head, the one you wish you had so badly...
    A cute white dress to my knees, with a brown belt, and brown boots.

4) What's your favorite musical instrument? What image comes to mind when you think of this instrument?
  Definitely drums, sitting in the corner of a large room. 
5) Would you rather be divinely beautiful, angelically good, or dazzlingly clever?
   For sure dazzlingly clever.

6) Are you more likely to be found in an old attic with your nose in a book, or will you be hanging out at the mall with your besties?
  I have abibliophobia, *the fear of running out of reading material*, so definitely in a attic with my nose in a book.

7) If you could've been born in any time period (other than your own), what would it be?
   Either in western times, or in mid evil. times.
8) Is your preferred weapon a bow and a quiver of arrows, or a magnificently wrought sword?
    A bow and quiver of arrows.

9) Your preferred mode of travel?
    Flying. I only ever done it twice, but it is amazing.
10) You hear about a new historical or fantasy movie that is coming out soon. You are:
a) Ecstatic: you're favorite dream-boat of an actor is in it!
b) Super-stoked: the book that it's based on is amazing!
c) Excited to see the costumes, of course!
d) Your favorite composer is doing the soundtrack. Need I say more?
e) Going just to see the horses which will undoubtedly be gorgeous.
f) Not going at all; there's a new sci-fi thriller out that begs to watched!
B for sure.

11) Of all the places in this world, the place you love most is....?
   Idaho. My family and I hope to move their soon.

BONUS QUESTION (purely optional): You have been tossed into a book; describe to me the adventure that follows this interesting turn of events... 
  A  girl who is a complete tomboy is climbing a tree to solve her newest mystery. when she sees a note scratched into the tree.  She sees a figure in black running away. We'll save the rest for later.

This Thursday we made our own version of go-gurts.

     They are delicious. 

  Ok, so this is beginning to be a really long post. So I guess I won't bore you any longer. 



New life, and a New Blog!!!

   Hi. My mom calls me sunshine. I live on 34 acres, and have a llama, chickens, cows, dogs, and a few cats. I love living here because I have amazing opportunities, like seeing animals when they are first born. A new baby calf joined our family!!!!!!!!! 

                      How Cute!!!!!!!!!


  Also, this is obviously the beginning of my blog. The goal of my blog is to display my many photos, and hopefully get to know some Christian girls. I am extremely excited to be blogging.

  Yesterday we celebrated Easter, not just a day when you hunt for eggs, and dress up, a day when Jesus rose from the dead and gave you new life. 

He is risen! 

He is risen indeed!!!!!!  

Have a wonderful day.