
Scripture Sunday #5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I wanted to talk about how we take a lot of things for granted. Like our freedom, our food, our family, and much more. We need to thank God often for what he has blessed us with. 

              What if you woke up today with only what you thanked God for Yesterday.

That is definitely something to think about. I know I need to thank him more often. How 'bout you? Please let me know what you think. Thank You!


A sad story

So I wanted to share a story I read the other day. I hope you enjoy.

   I'll never forget Easter 1946. I was fourteen, my little sister Ocy twelve, and my older sister Darlene sixteen. We lived at home with our mother, and the four of us knew what to do without many things. 
  My Dad died five years before, leaving Mom with seven school children to raise, and no money. By 1946 my older sisters were married, and my brothers left home. 
  A month before Easter, the pastor of our church announced that a special Easter offering would be taken to help a poor family. He asked everyone to save and give sacrificially. When we got home, we talked about what we could do. We decided to buy fifty pounds of potatoes and live on them for a month. This would allow us to save twenty dollars of  our grocery money for the offering. Then we thought that if we kept our electric lights  turned out as much as possible, we'd save money on that month's electricity bill.  Darlene got as many house and yard cleaning jobs as possible, and both of us babysat for everyone we could. For fifteen cents, we could buy enough cotton loops to make three pot holders. We made twenty dollars on pot holders.That month was the best in our lives. Every day we counted the money to see how much we saved. At night we'd sit in the dark and talk about how the poor family would use the money. We had about eighty people in church, so we figured what ever we gave there would be twenty times that much.  The day before Easter Ocy and I walked to the grocery store and got three crisp twenty dollar bills and one ten dollar bill for all our change. That night we were so excited we could hardly sleep.............I heard some teenagers talking about the Smith girls still in their old dresses but we didn't care. Late that afternoon the pastor drove up and gave momma an envelope. When he left we looked in the envelope. There was three crisp twenty dollar bills one ten dollar bill an seventeen one dollar bills. That Easter day I found out we were poor. Next week at church there was a missionary speaker who said he needed one hundered dollars to help those in Africa. After we put the envelope in the offering and the missonary counted it. He said we raised a little over 100 dollars and that we must have a rich family in our church. Then it hit us. We put in eighty-seven dollars. We were the rich family.

Isn't  that sad? I hope I can be a better giver than that. Anyway.   
What do you think?


Scripture Sunday #4

Hi everybody its time for .  .  .  .  .Scripture Sunday!

The topic is God the Creator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For every house is built by some man; but he that built all things is God.                   Hebrews 3:4

Thank you for reading my blog!!!!!!

Scripture Sunday #3

Hellooooo there! I am soooo sorry about not posting last Sunday.  Gee I sure do apologize on this blog a lot. Anyhoo   .    .    .   . The NEW topic is  .  .    .   .God the Creator.

In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth

                                      Genesis 1:1

Thanks for tuning in .

Scripture Sunday #2

Hey hey. So I do a thing called Scripture Sunday and here it is.  The topic this month is still .    .   .   .       Gods Authority. 

                  And when Abram nighty nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.             Genesis 17:1

                  And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord God.            Ezekiel 20:19

    Have a great Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   : D


Guess What !!!!!

Hey everybody!! So .  .  .  . I just created a new polyvore outfit!!!! It is called Princess and Pauper. 
Even though $95 dollars isn't exactly pauper, it was the cheapest stuff I could find. 

      I also made the Awesome outfit that describes me to a T.
I absolutely LOVE to read in case you could not tell. I also adore maxi skirts and cute skirts. I love it!!! Do you? The tote is my favorite.    

  Thank you for listening to my chatter. Oh yeah. Please dont forget about my giveaway.
Have you been to polyvore?


Scripture Sunday

Hi folks. I am going to try to start a weekly post called, Scripture Sunday. I will pick a topic, and post Scriptures for a month. This months topic is..........................................Gods Authority!!!!!!!!!!!!
              And God said unto Moses," I AM THAT I AM;" and He said, "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isreal, I AM hath sent me to you. "                          Exodus 3:14 


         For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens;God himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it,he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else.                      Isaiah 45:18


            And when Abram was nighty years and nine, the Lord appeared to him and said,I am the Almighty God; walk before me and be thou perfect.            Genesis 17:1

                Hope you enjoyed that.  Have a great day.                                                                       



Hey what up my peeps? I know what you are thinking in your head,"Awkward." but please stick around. I saw other bloggers using this site called Polyvore, and I finally checked in to it. ;) I am hooked. It is an awesome site. The only thing is that there are some immodest clothes, so you have to be careful what you create. My "name" on polyvore is sunshine-n-boots. I really really really want this outfit. 
Does anybody have a personal relationship with Santa? ;) 

     Is anybody else ready for fall????? *cheers* Now thats what I'm talkin about!!!!!!!! I am so ready for a lovely crackling fire. 
    Also I just want to remind you guys that I am going to have an amazing giveaway when I reach 10 followers!!! 

P.S. Do you like Polyvore?


I sailed the seas!

Hi everybody!! I'm so sorry about my absence. I have been super busy. I wanted to tell you when my blog reaches 10 followers, I am going to give away 2 amazing books!! I won't tell you what they are yet, but believe me when I say they are really good. So to all my readers out there, please please please follow me if you already haven't. 

I was also wondering if you wanted me to write on a specific subject? If so could you leave a comment saying which subject? Thank you soooo much.  

Next I have an announcement.... Drum roll please. I stayed on a boat for 3 days, set the sails and brought them down twice, snorkeled in the ocean twice, and dissected a squid. Whew I am out of breath. Let me try that again. I had the chance to snorkel in the ocean. I saw dozens of Garibaldi (a bright orange fish), a baby horn shark(only one foot long!!), A baby octopus(so cute), a round-ray(it blended in with the sand), and so much more.The worst part was dissecting the squid. I won't go into detail, but it was gross. All in all it was a good experience.
                                Would you dissect a squid?


Awesome Lego Party!!!!!

 Since Moonshine turned 11 this August,(Yay) I planed his party!!!! He is a lego fanatic, as mentioned before, so I planned a lego party! It was amazing.

We played pin the mustache on the lego head. It was really funny.

Some of the guests holding the lego bricks we made.
The bricktastic invitations.

The delicious candy. They are little lego bricks!!

We made a lego cake : D

Moonshine got several gifts. Most of which consisted of legos. See the pattern?

The whole thing was great. Before we opened presents, I said a speech, I based it on the pics from Grace's blog. You should go check it out. Thank you for listening to me......... well reading anyway. 

What are your feelings on legos?  Have you ever planed a party?


Muddy Days. Waitt? What!!!!!!!

So today Moonshines friend Starshine came over and because it was so hot, they decided to play in the water. Later we looked out the window and saw two biggish brown monsters. Don't worry I know you are scared and might now need a change of clothes, but it was just the boys. I can hear your sigh of relief through the computer. Sorta. So I decided to get some pics.




Would You Play In The Mud In 95 Degree Weather?



                                                                     P.s I am sorry about not posting for a  while:(

I am planning a lego birthday party for Moonshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been thinking about starting to babysit and even though I have to wait until I am 13, I might get to practice on two really cute kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for the................Randomness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   I took pics of Moonshine standing on his GIGANTIC pile of Legos. He absolutely loves legos, as you can see.
Thank you for putting up with my boringness:)What have you done this summer?


Fashion & Modesty

I really like clothes, and shoes!.... but, it is hard to find clothes that aren't see-through, show to much skin, or say inappropriate things. (on Fresh Modesty Olivia shows you how to make adorable clothes modest.) Now a days most girls think only think about getting a boyfriend and looking "good."   1. The point of having a boyfriend is getting married, are you going to get married at 13? probably not.  2. God made you pretty, you may not think you're pretty, but you are beautiful in Gods eyes & that's all that matters. You don't need make-up, short-shorts, or belly shirts.Now I not saying you absolutely can't wear those things, but you don't need to. 3. Even if you don't think you are pretty Mr. Perfect will think you are. Sorry I hope this was inspiring.


Moonshines Amazing Creations !!!!

My brother Moonshine, is a Lego fanatic. He is super creative, especially with legos. For Easter he built a rabbit and a delicious carrot ( I know, I sampled it :)  

He is so imaginative! I will post more on his creativity later. Do you have a Lego fanatic in your house? 


Lovely Gardens, and Moms

 Super sorry about not posting! I have been soooooooo busy!
Hello,  May is the time I start to think about gardening. Of course, you can't plant until at least mothers day where I live. Speaking of mothers day, what are your plans? Do you have a special traditions? In our house, we let our mom sleep in, and my dad, cooks!!!!!!!!!! (lol) Later we take a drive to our grandmas houses. If the weather is nice, we usually plant in our garden. We usually plant, corn, strawberries, artichokes,(before the gophers&squirrels ate them.) and tomatoes. Alright, I'm sure you are tired of my rambling bla bla bla bla. (lol ;) 

                Whats in your garden?



Photo Contest!!

This is my photo contest entry, for Aaliyah's blog.


A really Long post

Awkward & Awesome Friday  
Awkward, This photo 
Awesome, This photo
 I saw these questions on Tirzah's Delights, who I believe was tagged by Beloved Star.
1) What is your earliest memory from your childhood?
   Probably sitting on a  window seat  in our old house when I was 2 years old.
2) You have a choice of being given any super-power; what is it?
     This is hard....... Probably the ability to fly.    
3) Describe to me that outfit in your head, the one you wish you had so badly...
    A cute white dress to my knees, with a brown belt, and brown boots.

4) What's your favorite musical instrument? What image comes to mind when you think of this instrument?
  Definitely drums, sitting in the corner of a large room. 
5) Would you rather be divinely beautiful, angelically good, or dazzlingly clever?
   For sure dazzlingly clever.

6) Are you more likely to be found in an old attic with your nose in a book, or will you be hanging out at the mall with your besties?
  I have abibliophobia, *the fear of running out of reading material*, so definitely in a attic with my nose in a book.

7) If you could've been born in any time period (other than your own), what would it be?
   Either in western times, or in mid evil. times.
8) Is your preferred weapon a bow and a quiver of arrows, or a magnificently wrought sword?
    A bow and quiver of arrows.

9) Your preferred mode of travel?
    Flying. I only ever done it twice, but it is amazing.
10) You hear about a new historical or fantasy movie that is coming out soon. You are:
a) Ecstatic: you're favorite dream-boat of an actor is in it!
b) Super-stoked: the book that it's based on is amazing!
c) Excited to see the costumes, of course!
d) Your favorite composer is doing the soundtrack. Need I say more?
e) Going just to see the horses which will undoubtedly be gorgeous.
f) Not going at all; there's a new sci-fi thriller out that begs to watched!
B for sure.

11) Of all the places in this world, the place you love most is....?
   Idaho. My family and I hope to move their soon.

BONUS QUESTION (purely optional): You have been tossed into a book; describe to me the adventure that follows this interesting turn of events... 
  A  girl who is a complete tomboy is climbing a tree to solve her newest mystery. when she sees a note scratched into the tree.  She sees a figure in black running away. We'll save the rest for later.

This Thursday we made our own version of go-gurts.

     They are delicious. 

  Ok, so this is beginning to be a really long post. So I guess I won't bore you any longer. 



New life, and a New Blog!!!

   Hi. My mom calls me sunshine. I live on 34 acres, and have a llama, chickens, cows, dogs, and a few cats. I love living here because I have amazing opportunities, like seeing animals when they are first born. A new baby calf joined our family!!!!!!!!! 

                      How Cute!!!!!!!!!


  Also, this is obviously the beginning of my blog. The goal of my blog is to display my many photos, and hopefully get to know some Christian girls. I am extremely excited to be blogging.

  Yesterday we celebrated Easter, not just a day when you hunt for eggs, and dress up, a day when Jesus rose from the dead and gave you new life. 

He is risen! 

He is risen indeed!!!!!!  

Have a wonderful day.